Category Archives: sleep

No Sleepy Time for Me

Ugh.  I can’t sleep.  It is 5am and I’m still awake.  This sucks.

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Filed under sleep

The Simple Things

I went to sleep late last night but not because I didn’t go to bed.  My neighbor was singing.  Our bedrooms share a wall and she sings in her bedroom quite often.  Last night she was singing hymns as I was trying to fall asleep.  Her voice is insanely beautiful and I can’t imagine how great it would be without the wall in the way. 

At first I found myself frustrated because I really needed to sleep.  But I relaxed, took a breath, and realized she wasn’t going to stop singing.  The more I thought about it I thought about how lucky I was to be serenaded asleep by such an amazing voice.  Every situation is an opportunity to give thanks to God for every little thing that comes our way.  I just wish I’d be more mindful of this.  Sometimes the simple things really are the most important things.


Filed under daily life, deep thoughts, music / concerts, sleep

Barack Obama has mystical powers…

I’ll get to the mystical powers and the truly important part of this post, where I talk about my diagnoses of bipolar disorder, towards the end of this. I feel like I’ve lived an entire lifetime in the last week so I’m just going to go through it bit by bit here in this blog. Actually, I’m backing up a bit before that because there were some pictures I didn’t post.

I had a fabulous time going to see Mike Winslow with friends when he was in town.



You might know him from the Police Academy movies or from his recent Geico commercial. He was outstanding live! I totally recommend you go see him.

We had a fun group of people that went out. My Aunt even joined us and it was really fun spending time with her. He does this great three minute clip from Star Wars where he does EVERY sound and voice. It is amazing! Go see him!

My father sent me beautiful tulips for Valentine’s Day and they graced our table for a good two weeks as the bloomed…



One of my favorite Presbyterians (Mr. Wizard) decided to emulate one of my other favorite Presbyterians (The Edge of U2) during his time of unemployment. Yay for having my camera in my purse to capture this phase of facial hair:




The Edge Wised up and grew it in so it didn’t look as if he’d just stepped out of a porn video…


Don’ worry. By the time Rob was taking me for a spinal tap later in the week (things turned out fine) he had already shaved his off. Here he is showing his clean shaven face as he puts air back in one of his tires that has a slow leak.



Yes, this is ghetto and one day his tire will actually be flat. Regardless of that, I was totally amused by his pulling over to put air in his tire. I was sooo glad (that is sarcasm) that his car reminded me not to put my wine glass in his cupholder:


It leaves me to question one thing. How dumb are people who own Mini Coopers? (Sorry Rob…look at it as my way for getting back at you for putting Paul McCartney on your Dead Pool list.) Speaking of Paul McCartney, Rob and I were discussing his divorce and the hit that Paul’s financials will take. Paul should still have more than half a billion dollars still leaving him richer than God. Like Rob said, “Yeah…he’ll be back playing in Berlin nightclubs before too long.” (Again with the sarcasm.)


We hit up Central Market together and I introduced Rob to on of the best inventions of the twenty-first century…Beer Chips. At first he wasn’t sure what to think about them…




But he pondered it a bit…



…And decided they did indeed kick royal butt.



I voted in the Democratic primary thus making me a Texas Democrat through December 31, 2009.



 Gas costs soo much right now.



I’m from Texas. I’m not accustomed to paying such a pretty penny to fill my gas tank. How much did it take last week? $45.00! I’m glad a get decent gas mileage. I feel for my baby brother who has the V-6 Mustang or my parental units with their loaded Dodge Chargers.

I have a new baby that I pretty much adore…





Isn’t it pretty? The iPhone is actually very nice and has lots of super fun features that I’m enjoying. And yes…it is already loaded with U2 songs and videos.

The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo kicks off with 5000 trailriders descending on Houston’s Memorial Park today, which is “Go Texan Day” in Houston. I’m so glad rodeo season is here again! It is pretty crazy to be driving down a 12 lane freeway that is bumper-to-bumper with one of the lanes full of horses, cowboys and wagons. It really makes you proud to be a Texan. How many of you outside of Texas see regular trail riders on your 12 lane freeways? To commemorate the season I’ve change to an appropriate blog header. Now I’m ready for some BBQ and a fried Twinkie! But how do I k now I’m a real Texan? I went to put on my boots today and they were caked with dirt from the last time I wore them.



You pretty much won’t understand why this is a good thing unless you are from Texas. Don’t even try to comprehend it…you might hurt yourself. For all my Texans, yay for muddy boots!

And finally…Barack Obama has mystical powers. This is what I called and told one of my best friends this weekend. I was so out of it mentally that I don’t remember doing this. Saturday night I mixed a muscle relaxant, an anxiety medications and too many over the counter sleeping pills to try and help myself sleep. What resulted was an overdose and a trip to the hospital. I am fine and won’t have any lasting effects from the overdose. But it did bring on a manic episode which culminated with me spending four days at a hospital that deals with mental problems and substance abuse.

After a year of many trips to the psychiatrist, many medications changes, and putting my family (and myself) through complete hell, I was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder this week. Though there was much pain an heartache on the road to figuring out what was going on in my head, it was a blessing that I went through what I did. I never would have straightened things out without going through everything that I did.

I don’t even remembering overdosing this weekend or visiting with my psychiatrist on Monday with my mother. You want to know a great way what it felt like inside my head? Look at how I completely destroyed my bedroom this weekend.



I have no recollection of doing that whatsoever. As embarrassing as it might be to post that picture, it really does show how messed up I was. Thankfully we are getting my medicines straightened out and I know what to watch for now (as far as manic and depressive episodes goes.) There is still the chance that this could be post acute withdrawal symptoms from drinking alcohol, but time will tell. Prayers would be appreciated.

So that is what is going on with me. Now I’ve got to cut this short. Tonight is our weekly poker game and I’ve got to get going!

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Filed under daily life, family, feasting, friends, health, photographs, politics, prayer requests, sleep, Texas, The Beatles, U2

beagles are loud

Especially at midnight when you are trying to sleep and your sister and her fiancee have decided it would be fun to “play” with their new puppy and make him bark.







But he’s just so dang cute!  How could you not love him?  I guess I’ll just have to start taking naps.

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Filed under dogs, family, sleep