Mono, Mono, Mono

I’m home today. I’m actually home for the next few days.

I had some medical tests come back.  We’ve been trying to figure out why I’ve been so dang sick all the time lately.  It turns out that I have really bad, chronic mono (Epstein-Barr Virus).  There are four strands of the mono virus.  I have three of the four strands and they are active.  (Meaning I’m exhausted and sick all the time.)

This was good news.  I don’t have lupus as was suspected.  However, it was also bad news.  There really isn’t anything they can do for someone with chronic EBV.   The recommend rest, plenty of fluids and no contact sports.  (Contact sports can rupture your enlarged spleen when you have EBV.)

So I’m spending the next three or four days doing nothing but sleeping and drinking as much juice as I can.  Life will go on.  Work will still be on my desk when I get back to the office.  But for now I’m going to try and take it easy, and kick this active mono cycle.

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Filed under health

One response to “Mono, Mono, Mono

  1. I’m so sorry! I was thinking about you yesterday and was wondering why you hadn’t blogged in a while. Take it easy and get well soon!


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