The one where she tells you she’s going blind…

There is a prayer I’ve been repeating in my head.  It is a good one.  From Matthew 6.  So let me share it with you.

9 Pray then like this:

“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
10 Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread,
12 and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

It is how God taught us to pray.  It is something I’ve been praying quite a bit.  Especially about God’s will being done.


Well two weeks ago I found out from my doctor that I’m going blind.  It could be two years…it could be five years.  But I might have driving taken away from me in as little as three months.

At first I took the news really well.  But looking back at the last two weeks I’ve realized that I’ve gone through the five stages of grief.

  1. Denial – At first I was fine. It was no big deal.  One of my best friends is blind and he lives a full life.  His blindness doesn’t hinder him in any way.
  2. Anger  – Boy was I pissed.  I even went for a three hour drive one day that involved me listening to Rage Against the Machine and Rammstein very loudly.
  3. Bargaining – “Ok God, if you don’t make this happen I promise I’ll get more involved at church.”
  4. Depression – I stayed in bed for two days.
  5. Acceptance – Finally!  I’m at acceptance.  It feels good to be a bit more even keeled bout the whole situation.  Plus, it is much easier to process information the doctor tells you when you aren’t hysterical or depressed.  Go figure!

So this is the blog post where I tell you I’m going blind.  If you treat me as if  I’m sick or dying, I won’t be your friend anymore.  And I’m totally fine talking about it so ask questions if there is stuff you want to know.  I’m ok, and I will be from here on out.

And for my family, and the few friends who were REALLY there for me when I was struggling (I’m looking at you Wyckoff and McJunkin), Thank You.  You guys are the best.


Filed under eyes, family, friends, religion

5 responses to “The one where she tells you she’s going blind…

  1. I hate that I’m here and not there. I want to be there to hug you. To bring over a bottle of pink champagne and drink it while we dye our hair and paint our nails. I miss you so much. Email me, skype me, facebook me, but let’s get better about being in touch. You got me through some tough years in Houston and I’m not about to let you go through this without me there harassing you the whole way.

    Which by the way, also means that I have to harrass you about visiting me. 🙂

    Love you.


  2. Conway

    You’re in our hearts and prayers. May God bless you.


  3. Nikki

    Geez loiuse Jen! You never cease to amaze me. You’re such a fighter, and that’s one of many reasons I love you. We really need to catch up.

    Thanks for being a good friend to me all these years. I really appreciate you.


  4. Nikki

    PS ………. nice “Friends” reference 😉


  5. Yeah, um so while Michelle told me about this the other night, it totally slipped my mind last night!

    Just wanted you to know that I’m going to continue praying that the doctor is wrong and the Lord maintains your sight.

    If they do take your ability to drive, you know you can always count on us for rides to Sam’s or Luling or wherever.

    Also, if your vision does start to fail, we need to make a list of places you want to visit post haste and we’ll roadtrip to the Alamo, and museums, and i don’t know where else, but we’ll go.

    Love you, Jen.


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