Category Archives: miscellany

Six Months of Memories

Life is crazy and fun.  Despite being on chemo and a new RA drug, which makes me sick all the time, I’ve still managed to have some fun!  Here is a collection of enjoyable moments from the last six months…

I can’t wait to see what the next six months holds in store for me!

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Filed under Air Force, baldwins, betties, friends, memories, military, miscellany, music / concerts, parental units, photographs

9 thoughts…

Today is Monday.  What better day is there to post random thoughts on my blog?  Here we go…

1. People pulling trailers behind their vehicle should never be in the left lane.  Usually you aren’t going as fast as the other drivers on the road, and if you are, you are crazy and need to slow it down a little.  So kindly pull over a lane and keep us all safe.

2. I’m 25.  I’ve never felt so old.  But I’ve also never felt so young, immature, and unexperienced.  Every single day I realize I have so much growing up to do.  That scares me.  Does the growing up part of life ever stop?

3. I’m 25 and I don’t ask permission to do what I want. I am a grown woman, and I usually make decisions that are reasonably intelligent now.

4. I might be nice to your face, but if you are a backstabbing, social climbing, phony person, I know you are and I am just being polite.

5.  I like the fact that I can have a conversation with other women my age and talk about anything and everything.  It is awesome having close friends that I can feel comfortable with.

6. Speaking of comfort with friends, friends who you can eat Mexican food with in pajamas, while you watch tv, are priceless.  I love them and I can’t live without eating in pajamas with them.

7. I am a terrible saver. If I had saved 20% of my salary over the last 10 years, I would be in a much better position financially!

8. If I were on death row, my last meal would be chicken ‘n’ dumplings.  I can’t get enough of that dumpling goodness.  In fact, I’m having chicken ‘n’ dumplings for lunch today.

9. If I could add 4 extra hours to every day, I would spend 2 napping, 1 reading, and 1 cleaning.


Filed under blogging, daily life, it's all about me, miscellany


Why is it so dang hard to just be happy with everything that God has so richly blessed me with?  Why can’t I be content with the way that He wants things to be?

I wish that I was filled with joy about the way things are in my life.

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Filed under miscellany, religion

“I don’t care what they say about us anyway”

Why are people so concerned with appearances?  Why can’t anyone just be real anymore?  Why don’t people have the backbone to say something to your face if they are upset about something?  Why do people assume I care about what they think of me?  Why are people two faced?  Why is it that the one place you should find comfort is the coldest, loneliest place in the world?  What happened to love and grace?  What happened to humor and joking around?



Filed under baldwins, betties, miscellany, religion

Letter to Jay

Dear Jay Thompson,

Thanks for taking such good care of this apartment before we moved in. I appreciate moving in to such a nice place that was so well taken care of.

I’m writing to you to offer you a bit of advice…

          Pay your speeding tickets.

I’ve received a multitude of letters from three counties, two cities, and the State of Texas. All are letters about the traffic violations you committed and then failed to appear in court for. That probably wasn’t a good thing to do considering that every letter I’ve received has discussed the warrants out for your arrest. I’ve never known anyone with so many different warrants. Way to over achieve there, buddy!

I’m beginning to wonder if you left the state. It would have been easier than paying the thousands of dollars with of charges that you’ve racked up with these counties and cities. Hopefully you didn’t speed on your way out of Texas. Or maybe you just like flirting with danger.

Anyway, Jay, please pay your tickets. I’m tired of getting your mail and the mail you had forwarded from the apartment before this one that you lived in. Take care and drive safely!


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Filed under daily life, miscellany, Po-po, Texas

Give Thanks

With Thanksgiving around the corner I want to know what you guys are thankful for.

I’m thankful for my pseudo brain tumor.

-it made me question my faith
-it brought me closer to God
-it brought me closer to my family
-it made me see the true meaning of what a church family is
-it changed the whole path of my life
-it reminded me that God is in control. Always.
-it reminded me of Christ suffering on the cross when I was in pain
-it made me love life and look forward to Heaven

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Filed under health, miscellany, religion


I’m back on MySpace to keep up with friends.

Please add me as your friend!

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Filed under friends, internet, miscellany, sci/tech

My (now not so) Secret Secrets

I was going to work on some art and send a few secrets to Post Secret.  But rather than doing that, I’ll just tell them here.  And yes, I have huge balls for doing this.  That or I’m stupid.

I actually believe in God again.

I’m not happy just to…exsist.

I never got the chance to tell you I love you. I’d give anything for you to come back and hear me say it just once.

Despite the fact that I cry because you don’t want me in your life, I’m here. Always.  Because you saved my life and you don’t even know it.

I put up walls to see who loves me enough to knock them down.

I know I’m capable of so much more.

I asked you what you wanted for Christmas. I wanted your answer to be, “just you.” It wasn’t.

What am I waiting for?

It bothers me that I was mean to you back then. And now you love me and it bothers me even more.

I’m not afraid to die.

This was the hardest year of my life.

I’ve always hoped you’d write.

It pisses me off when you complain about the good things in your life that I will never have.

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Filed under blogging, deep thoughts, it's all about me, miscellany, writing


The post below this one was made BEFORE I started calling the Commonwealth of Virginia thanks to the visit I got to have with Trooper Burkholder while passing through his Commonwealth a few weeks back.

And this is the best Wikipedia page ever.  Ever.

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Filed under daily life, miscellany, Po-po, travels

life love

Sometimes it is the little things that really make you love life.

-Spending 7 straight hours with two of your best friends just hanging out.  Getting lunch, playing Wii, seeing offbeat comedies…etc… (And only having one injurwii to show for it!)

-Having a family who is cool enough to hang out with your friends and is glad to have them over to hang out.

-Fortune cookies that make you laugh.

-Getting gifted some great music on iTunes from a close friend who wanted to share it with you because she knew you’d love it.  (And the fact that she took the time to do this when she’s finishing her college career, getting married, and doing a million other more important things.)

-Driving on your way to work and “Tuesday Morning” by the Pogues comes on.  Yes…I totally rocked it out and made a fool of myself by singing at the top of my lungs at a red light.  The guy in the car next to me was watching.  I didn’t care.

-Being appreciated at work because you are actually happy to do a job that nobody else wants to do.

-Having one of your oldest friends write you to thank you for letting her feel like she got to  take a trip with you (because you sent her a bazillion post cards as your drove across the country).

-Realizing that a song written 15 years ago was written just for you.  (Thank you, Cranberries)


Oh my life is changing everyday
Every possible way
Though my dreams, it’s never quite as it seems
Never quite as it seems

I know I felt like this before
But now I’m feeling it even more
Because it came from you

Then I open up and see
The person fumbling here is me
A different way to be

I want more, impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore
They’ll come true, impossible not to do
Impossible not to do

Now I tell you openly
You have my heart so don’t hurt me
For what I couldn’t find

Talk to me amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You’re everything to me

Oh my life is changing everyday
Every possible way
Though my dreams, it’s never quite as it seems
’cause you’re a dream to me
Dream to me


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Filed under daily life, deep thoughts, dreams, family, feasting, friends, love, lyrics, miscellany, movies, music / concerts, Wii